Pre-engineered full power system upgrade
Eclips/P is the freight door power operation upgrade package used when the door panels and tracks are to be retained. This package can be used with most existing elevator controllers and is compatible with all new elevator controllers.
The Eclips/P package includes an Eclips closed loop door controller, new door motors and operators, interlocks, chains, door position sensors, required brackets along with a complete new car gate with light curtain(s) and retiring cam to complete the upgrade. In addition to the landing door and gate equipment, EMS provides a wiring package for both the landing doors and the car gate for ease with installation, making sure you have the proper materials on-site when you need them.
Once the removal of the old control, door operators, interlocks and mechanical limits is complete, the following features are installed:
New door operators and chains with pickups are installed at each landing.
A position sensor is mounted to each opening door's track.
New car gate complete with tracks, operator, and retiring cam is installed.
Operator and sensor wire provided is run from each sensor to machine room terminal blocks in the Eclips door controller.
The Eclips door controller is wired into the elevator controller. The system is ready for setup.
Like all EMS equipment, this controller uses point-to-point wiring to the machine room for ease in setup and service trouble shooting. Components can be electrically checked from the safety of the machine room.
Using the door operating buttons, the Eclips learns the travel positions of the door and gates and is ready for operation.
Eclips will monitor every cycle and adjust the doors and gates to achieve ideal smooth operation throughout the life of the product.